Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rosie Walks

 Title: Rosie Walk's
Author: Pat Hutchins 
Reading level: Ages 4-8 
Paperback: 32 pages 
Publisher: Aladdin (August 1, 1971) 
Language: English 
ISBN-10: 0020437501
Rosie's walks is about a little hen who goes for a walk around the farm she lives on. The story is a very simple one. It is one long sentence through out the whole story. While reading the story you feel as if you are just learning about one character but that is not the case. Although the story never says anything about the other character through out the pictures you can see a fox trying to get the hen. The fox follows Rosie as she walks across the yard, around the pond, over the haystack, past the mill, through the fence, under the beehives, and finally back home for dinner. The story would be a great one to use in a classroom to show children that you not only need your ears to hear a story but also you eyes to look at the picture. The picture in this story tell another story which is another fact I would use if I taught this book. 
 The elements in the story are much harder to find due to the fact that on each page there is one or two words. So for me to read this to my class I would really work on the idea of using the picture to tell a story, and say how Rosie never notices the fox. I would also use the word in the story to put on our class word wall. A lot of the word in the story are short simple words that would make a child proud that they were able to read through a whole story on their own. I think this is a great picture book because again the pictures tell their own story.

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