Title: "Chores Chores Chores"
Author: Salina Yoon
Illustrated by: Salina Yoon
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 24 pages
Publisher: Price Stern Sloan (June 12, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0843132027
This story is a short one, but it is about a little girl who HATES doing chores, she thinks they are a bore. She hates dusting but is a must. She hate vrooming but she must in every room. She hates wiping so she will gripe. She hates raking and she needs a break. She hates folding because it gets old. The book goes on to use cleaning words to rhyme with words that describe how she is feeling about those chores. At the end of the story she love being done with chores because then its all about FUN FUN FUN. This story is a good one to teach children about rhyming words and about chores. We all hate doing them but we all have to. So just like this little girl we all feel the same way about chores but we do them, and when we are done we can have FUN FUN FUN.
The author is dealing with a point that a lot of parents deal with. Kids who hate doing their chores. Its a great story to read to children who complain about doing there chores. We all hate it but when we finish we can have fun. The characters are portaged as individuals until the end of the book when they all go out to ice cream because the chores are all done. The character starts out with a problem of having to do chores around the whole which she hates but at the end she figures out her problem and has fun once all of her chores are done, which is how we all feel. Once the house is cleaned or our homework is done we are able to have fun. So no matter what age you are this book does a great way to reminding us that after all the hard work is done fun will come!
The elements in the story are assonance, allegory, and onomatopoeia. The assonance is used through out the whole story. The chores she use rhyme with how she feels about them such as dust dust dust, must must must, or fluff fluff fluff, huff huff huff. The allegory is to help us understand that after the chores are done we can have fun, which I think its a great reminder for little children. The last element is onomatopoeia is words like fluff, huff, vrooom. The illustration are simple but wonderful. You can use the text to build up the images and the images to build up the text. The images are wonderful beacuse if you can not read yet you can tell what the images are and you can make up your own story. A mini-lesson I would use with this story is to teach rhyming words and the importance of doing chores. I think every child need to have responsibility and I think teaching them about chores that need to be done in the classroom and at home will help keep the classroom organized and well managed.
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